
Archive - March 2014

Advertise in The Pulpster

Our editor and designer Bill Lampkin is already hard at work on the next issue of The Pulpster. He’ll be featuring articles on science fiction’s golden year of 1939, the shudder pulps, and other interesting...

Dealing at PulpFest 2014

Interested in selling at PulpFest 2014? If your specialty is pulp magazines, vintage paperbacks, first edition hardcovers, original art, series books, dime novels, men’s adventure, true crime, digest, or slick...

It’s Munsey Nomination Time

Every year, PulpFest recognizes the efforts of those who work to keep the pulps alive for this and future generations through its Munsey Award (pictured at left). Named after Frank A. Munsey, the man who published the...